The World's Climate Action Protocol | Ambrrr

Project Ambrrr

where members receive clean energy alerts when local solar or wind energy is abundant. We forecast clean energy globally so that consumers and businesses can take climate actions easily by favouring clean energy.

Solar and wind power has a waste problem. The solution is simple:
Don't waste it.

We remind you when local clean energy is abundant so that you can utilise it easily.


Given the urgency of the climate crisis, we truly believe that taking bold actions is the right thing to do. We support the climate movement by providing an alert and reward system for the eco-conscious community around the world.

We want to encourage our members to shift their mandatory energy consumptions to when local solar or wind energy is abundant in order to create favourable market conditions for local clean energy. We will suggest simple actions to utilise local clean energy after you tapped on the app notifications. Check demo.

This is based on peer-reviewed science on demand-side grid response.

We send push notifications to our members through the club app based on the availability of local extractable clean energy.

Our clean energy forecast model quantifies the extractable solar and wind energy globally in real-time using open-source weather forecast.

Our computer model takes into account that solar panels and wind turbines are typically placed within 100km from end-consumers to reduce transmission loss. It only considers weather patterns at well-populated cities represented by markers. Green markers represent cities within 100km, and red markers represent other available cities in the country/region.

Members would receive 3 to 5 reminders during periods of clean energy abundance, each at least 3 hours apart.

Our clean energy forecast model is designed for a global alert program which runs on a 3-hour cycle. We gather public and user-fed data to improve our computer model through extensive testing and tuning.

We are building a reward program around the clean energy reminders. Those who responded to the reminders will receive tokens for rewards from local restaurants, grocers, and service providers.


Jun Ying Yew, Delveer Singh, Alvin Hartanto,
Wen Seng Tee, Alifian Naufal Ravi Hidayat,
Sean Choo, Jun Han Lee, Moayed Abdalla,
Sean Ng, Nicholas Loh, Kelly Iu, Daisrree Wenli.

Ambrrr © 2023-2024